Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christians only greet friends Merry Christmas and never greet Jesus Merry Christmas or Happy Birthday.

Your heart has the CROSS, and permanent people of God in Christ.

Christians only greet friends Merry Christmas and never greet Jesus Merry Christmas or Happy Birthday.

ONE God, one world, and no religions which are manmade. Believe in ONE God and His rules are in the Holy Bible. We cannot go wrong. The Trinity God is truly genuine. Elohim Amein.

Linda (FB) wrote "Yes, i know..but regarding Christmas, tho its not Christ exact birthdate, 25Dec was mamade date to comenmerate His bday n partly for commercial reason like buy gifts to add to spirit of giving as was done by the 3 wisemen who brought gifts when Christ was born..thats ehy till today, christmas is still observed by most christians..correct me if i m wrong."

25 Dec is the incarnation of Jesus in Mary's womb and Jesus was physically born on 23 August, Hence Christmas on 25 Dec is in order as God is forever without break as He is the alpha and omega without end.

Christmas is the shortened word of Christ MASS as God is in spirit but come in His flesh hence hot mass.

Church is confused up to today because God has yet to reveal that but God reveals it to me.   

God says He liberates all in His truth. Surprisingly, on 23 August UN decided to name it a day to liberate the slaves. So Jesus came to liberate us.

God says if you sincerely search for HIM, he will reveal it.

There is some record in the WWW that on 25 Dec, something tremendous happened in the heavenlies signifying the incarnation of Jesus.   

There is an argument that Jesus was not born in winter as there were shepherds in field, and so Jesus was born in summer.

Jupiter and the Solstice of 2 B.C.

Interestingly, while Jupiter was in its “standing still” position over Bethlehem, the Sun was also “standing still.” All know that December 25 is in the usual period of the Winter Solstice. The word “solstice” means “Sun stands still.” These stationary coincidences of Jupiter and the Sun are quite related, and would surely have appeared significant to astrologers at the time. Cumont has the following evaluation,

“General observance required that on the 25th of December the birth of the ‘new Sun’ should be celebrated, when after the winter solstice, the days began to lengthen and the invincible star triumphed again over darkness.” 28